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Events 5781
Let's Sing with Jude & Miri
Let's Cook with Blima
Let's Learn together
Explanatory Services: Interactive Prayer Workshop
Selichot Drive-IN
Explanatory Services: Rosh Hashanah Inspiration
Rosh Hashanah Kids Activities
Your Yom Tov Favourites with Rabbi Fleischer
Teen Services for Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah PICNIC in the PARK
Shofar in the Park
Let's Read together
Q & A
JAMI Community Conversations
Explanatory Services: Yom Kippur Inspiration
Arba Minim Set
Kol Nidrei Online
Yom Kippur Children's Programme
Succot Activities for kids
To Life! Rose Cooking Demo
Ladies Succah Evening
The White House Rabbi
Unhalloween - Be A Light
Breaking the Mold - Ruchie Freier
Sunday music concerts
the secret deal to end the holocaust
Harold Weinberg flyer
The Jewish Secret in the Vatican Library
Tea at 3
Speaker: John Altman
Let's Cook with Blima - Chanukah
DIY Chanukah Toolbox
Essex Women's Power Hour
sunday music concert - 22 nov, 29 nov, 6
community quiz - dec 2020
Live Streamed Menorah Lightings
Teen Escape Room
Chanukah Party 6-11yrs
Chanukah Party 3-5yrs
Community Conversation
Festivals 5780
Children & Youth 5780
family friday night services - 4 oct
yom kippur children's program
family friday night services - 18 oct
Family Friday Night Dinner
Monthly Diner - November
Pool Tournament
15 shevat
Chief Rabbi Kindness Challenge
shavuot children's fun day
Rebbetzen's Secret Recipes
Post Shabbat Meal & Selichot
Pre Rosh Hashanah Challah Bake
Get Set for YT - tishrei
High Holidays - Flyer v2
shabbos learning - oct - teshuvah return
yom kippur children's program
shabbat breakout - items of tishrei sept
order lulav and etrog
Sukkos - Flyer v3
ladies succah evening
kiddush in the succah
hoshanah rabah breakfast
Simchas Torah - Flyer v2
Get Set for YT - chanukah
Public Menorah Lighting & Party
Rebbetzen Secret Recipes - Tu Bshvat
Tu B'Shvat Extravaganza
Get Set for YT - purim
Rebbetzen Secret Recipes - Purim
Wild West Purim
Shavuot Creativity
Get Set for YT - shavuot
Shavuot Children's Fun Day
Virtual Cheesecake Bake
Shavuot TED Talks Daily
Women's Shavuot Class
Tikkun Leil - 3 shuls
9 av event
Special Events 5780
Festivals 5779
Regular Events 5780
shabbat breakout
cholent kiddush
Men's Minyan Club
Jewish Women in History Class
Monthly Diner 5780
Rebbetzen Secret Recipes
Get Set for Yom Tov
Read and Practice
Singing for Memory
Carers Lounge
CST shabbat
Aish dinner
Family Friday Night Dinner
Shabbat Breakout - |Kosher
AJEX shabbat
Young US NE London FNDs poster
Chevra Kaddisha Shabbat
Harold Weinberg Lecture - Jewish jaz
Shul Quiz
Baby Blessing
25th Dec Volunteers
shabbat breakout - candles dec 21
shabbat breakout - blessings jan 18
community friday night dinner
shabbat breakout - modesty feb 15
family friday night services - 18 feb
Organ donation
Tehillim Group
Children & Youth 5779
High Holiday Youth Services
Great Succah Escape
Bnei Mitzvah Friday Night Dinner
Teen Programme
Family Friday Night Services
Pizza and FIFA
Baby & Toddler and One Off Events
Unhalloween Night
Teen Chanukah Party
Family Friday Night Services
Mama, Papa & Bubbe'le Challah Bake
ShabbatUK Exclusively Teens
Kids In Action
Shavuot Ice Cream Party
Shavuot Teen BBQ
Rosh Hashanah 5779
Yom Kippur 5779
Aish YES in Woodford Forest
Lulav and Etrog Shopping Trip
Sukkot Coffee Morning
Succah Ladies Charity Evening
Succah Lunch
Succah Breakfast
Simchat Torah 5779
Rebbetzens' Secret Recipes - Chanuka
Strikes & Lights - Chanukah Bowl
Chanukah House Party 5779
Chanukah Coffee morning 5779
Rebbetzen's Secret Recipes - Tu Bshv
Rebbetzen's Sectret Recipes - Purim
Celebrate Purim
Festive Purim Lunch
Purim in the Jungle
Rebbetzen Secret Recipe - Pesach
Yom Ha'atzma'ut Friday Night
Lag B'omer BBQ & Funday 2019 - Save the
Rebbetzen's Secret Recipes - Shavuot
Celebrate Shavuot 5779
Festive Shavuot Meal & Tikkun Leil
YJP Shavuot Dinner
Chill & Chat
Tisha B'Av Programme
Tisha B'Av Schedule
Regular Events 5779
Jewish Women in History
TNT - Tues Night Torah
JAMI Suppers
JAMI Suppers 2
Lunch & Learn with Abrams
Cholent Kiddushim
ignite 1
Women's Shabbat Breakout
Rebbetzen's Secret Recipes
Monthly Diner
Lunch and Learn
Rosh Chodesh Breakfasts
Tehillim Group
Special Events 5779
Rabbi Brody - Journey to Happiness
World Mental Health Day
Ladies Quiz Night
Shlock Rock
Harold Weinberg Lecture
AJEX 100 Year March
Melave Malka with Chief Rabbi
Baby Blessing
Jazz Night - Final
25th dec volunteers
ShabbatUK Friday Night Experience
ShabbatUK Daytime Experience
Shabbat Learning
ShabbatUK Glow-in-the-Dark Havdallah
Shabbat UK Community Challah Bake
Barbara Winton Talk
Baby Loves Program
Bridge Brunch
Whiskey Tasting
Cakes & Cocktails
Jazz Night
Festivals 5778
Rosh Hashanah 5778
Lot's happening! Please join us! Thurs, 21st Sept & Fri, 22nd Sept
Yom Kippur 5778
Exciting new programme throughout the day! Sat, 30th Sept
Succah Decoration Workshop
Lulav & Etrog
Kiddush in the Succah
If you RSVP, it helps with numbers for catering purposes.
Sushi in the Succah
Pizza in the Hut
New & exciting programme!
Strictly Come Dancing - Simchat Tora
Tribe teens Pre Chanukah Trip
Teens Choco Chanukah final
Tea cember coffee morning (3)
YJP Drinks & Dreidels
Chanuka wonderland
Community Chanukah party at home
TuB'shvat teen smoothie event
Tu bshvat 5778
pre purim teen program
Celebrate Purim!
YJP Purim In the Pub
Festive Purim Lunch
Purim Mad Science
Communal Lag Ba'omer BBQ
Shavuot Schedule 5778
Scholar in Residence 5778
TEN Talks & Dinner
Family Minyan & Lunch
YJP Wine & Cheese
JTeens BBQ Bash
Tisha B'Av
Special Events 5778
ShabbatUK Challah Bake
ShabbatUK 2017 Keeping It Together
Mitzvah Day 2017
Quiz flier
Diner lunch Nov '17
Bridege kalooki and games brunch
Cteen - Joint Kickoff Event - 26th Nov (1)
Games Night nov '17
Harold Weinberg lecture
25th dec volunteers
Cteen Paint Night - Feb 2018
YJP Challah Bake
Ber Wollenberg's Bar Mitzvah
Essex Intershul Cookoff
Lunch with Judge Bernstein
Kosher Diner's Club - Reuben's
Women's Breakout Group - Amidah
Wallace Collection and Reuben's Dinn
Kosher Diners Club - Met Su Yan
Rabbi Schochet Talk
Regular Events 5778
Rosh Chodesh Breakfast
Shabbat Learning
JAMI - Community Conversations
JAMI - Community Conversations
Question & Answer
women's tefilla group 5778
Coffee mornings
Women's Rosh Chodesh Group
Hot Cholent Kiddushim 5778
Mums and Tots
Women's Pirkei Avot
Shabbos Games Club
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